Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Alice Network, Kate Quinn

The Alice Network
By Kate Quinn
(Tansley Reads Rating: 80%)

We sent out an email asking everyone to wear a favourite/meaningful/interesting hat.

Talk about this hat, or one you may have had, that you loved, or was significant to you.


1.  Female friendship is a big theme in this novel. How does each friendship grow and change over the course of events? (Eve and Charlie, Eve and Lili, Lili and Violette, Eve and Violette?)

2.  What was your impression of the day-to-day descriptions of working as a spy? What part of the work could you do?

3.  Eve’s spy journey becomes more difficult when she becomes Rene’s lover. While Eve hates him, it becomes complicated when they’re intimate. What were your impressions of their relationship?

4. Finn Kilgore and Captain Cameron have very similar stories. How are they similar and why do their lives have such different outcomes?

5. Why was Charlie so obsessed with finding her cousin Rose Fournier?

6. The disappearance of Charlie’s cousin provides the story’s driving search.  How did Rose’s fate change the focus of the search?
7.  Charlie, Eve and Finn each have their own secrets that slowly come out as the book goes on. What is it about their past and secrets that made them kindred spirits?

8.  Each of the three main characters wants to fix things. What does “fixing” mean to Charlie, to Eve and to Finn?

9. There were at least 3 suggested scenarios when Eve and Charlie found Rene – a)  they would kill him;  b) report him to the authorities to be tried, punished and humiliated;  or c)  that he would escape from them  and disappear once again to start a new life.  Were you satisfied with Rene’s ending or would you have preferred a different one for him?

10.  In this book and others, we’ve seen instances of sadism.  Is sadism an inherent human quality or is it only manifested in times of war and upheaval?
11.  There were numerous horrific episodes portrayed in this book.  Which one affected you the most?  (e.g.:  Rene crushing Eve’s knuckles; the killing of citizens and burning the town  of Oradour-sur-Glane;   Rene shooting young man in back for stealing some money;  killing of Rene)

12.  Although Violette knows that Eve has been tortured and drugged, she blames Eve for Lili’s capture and death, why?

13. Quick round: What did you think of the book? Is there anything you want to discuss that we missed?

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