Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Another Woman's Husband, Gill Paul

Another Woman’s Husband
By Gill Paul
(Tansley Reads Rating: 64%)

Events of historical significance, such as 911 and the assassination of JFK, for example, stay with us.  Do you remember where you were/what you were doing when you heard of Diana’s death?  Did you watch the funeral?


1.  Did the linking of the two plots add or detract from your enjoyment of this book?

2.  Both Wallis and Diana moved among the jet set, partying and dressing to the nines. How else were they similar or different?

3.  Describe Wallis and Mary, each in five words or less?

4. What did you think of Ernest?

5. Do you think Mary betrayed Wallis when she had an affair with Ernest and then subsequently married him?

6. Wallis’s character is complicated.  We are told she didn’t want to marry “Peter Pan”.  Was it out of “duty” that she did so or was there another reason?  What do you think of Edward?
7.  Did you find all the friendships convincing?

8.  What do you think of Alex and Rachel’s relationship?

9. Why did Alex become so obsessed with his conspiracy theory of Diana’s death?

10.  Wallis generally had  bad press since the abdication crisis.  Do you think there was misogyny involved?  Would it have been different if she had been a divorced man whom a female heir of the throne fell in love with?
11.  This novel mentions some living people who were affected by Diana’s death – in particular, her sons. Do you think it does so respectfully? Is it always acceptable for a novelist to write about people who are still alive?

12.  Had Edward VIII married Wallis Simpson, remained King, but had no heirs, Elizabeth would still have become Queen, but 20 years later than she did. (Edward died in 1972) How might the commonwealth she inherited have been different?

13. Quick round: What did you think of the book? Is there anything you want to discuss that we missed?

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