to the Lost
By Iona
(Tansley Reads Rating: 82% -- winner for the year)
Faced with having to make
3 meals a day in a situation of scarcity of foods and rationing what would be
the one staple you would always want to have available to you?
1. To some extent Jess is a modern version of
Stella, what are the similarities and differences in their characters and
2. Was Charles the product of his time or just
not a nice person?
3. Will and Jess are from very different
backgrounds. Why do you think they were attracted to each other and what
aspects of their relationship would suggest that it could last?
4. Stella and Nancy share the same experience of
the Poor School, yet they take very different paths. Why didn’t their
friendship stand the test of time?
5. What was it about the
first letter that Jess read that make her feel she should try to find Stella?
6. Why did Dan seek out Stella at the end of his
life after he hadn’t heard from her in so long?
7. What do you think Stella and Dan's life would
have been like, had they managed to find a way to be together?
8. The title of the book is Letters to the
Lost. Who or what is the “lost” referred to in the title?
- to name a few: Charles loses an arm, Peter loses faith,
Charles loses Peter, Stella believes she loses Daisy and Dan, Dan loses members
of his crew, Dan loses Stella, Nancy loses her dream, the church ladies lose
respect for Stella
9. Quick round: What things did you wish the
author had told us about the story that was left unsaid? What did you think of the book? Is there
anything you want to discuss that we missed?
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