Monday, August 27, 2018

The Invention of Wings, Sue Monk Kidd

Invention of Wings

By Sue Monk Kidd

(Tansley Reads Rating: 78%)

Have you ever broken away from what was ‘expected’ of you, to do what you wanted to do? 




1.  Which character did you admire more — Handful or Sarah?  What were their similarities and their differences?  Which quality did you admire more?

2.  How is Handful's relationship with her mother similar to Sarah's relationship with her mother? How are they different?


3.  Were you surprised by Charlotte's boldness? What did you think of some of her choices?


4.  Why do you think Handful left her writing in the dirt?


5.  The story includes a number of physical objects that have a special significance for the characters: Sarah’s Fleur de Lis button, Charlotte’s story quilt, the rabbit-head cane that Handful receives from Goodis, and the spirit tree.  What purpose(s) do they serve for each of the characters?


6.  Which of the male characters did you find most compelling or most abhorrent?


7.  What did you think of Sarah’s choice to give back ownership of Handful to her mother?


8.  It seems that no matter where Sarah went, she never quite fit in. Why do you think that was? Was there any point in the book where she did fit in, or where she experienced true freedom?


9.  Why is the book called The Invention of Wings? Who in this book "invented" wings and how?

10.  Do you think Sara or Angelina could have accomplished what they did if each of them were on her own?

11.  Sarah is faced with a decision about whether to choose a vocation or marriage. What do you think of her decision?  What has changed for women today or are they still facing those same decisions? 


12.  What did you think when you read that the Quakers had a “Negro Pew”?


13.  How did you feel about the Abolitionists' reluctance to fully support women's equality?


14:  Why did Handful offer to steal the bullet molds for Denmark Vesey?


15. What is the significance/purpose of Sky‘s character of in the story?


16. How did you interpret the ending? Was it a happy ending?


17. Quick round: What did you think of the book? Is there anything you want to discuss that we missed?  Which was your favourite book this year?


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