Monday, August 27, 2018

The Illegal, Lawrence Hill

The Illegal

By Lawrence Hill

(Tansley Reads Rating: 72%)

Have you ever used a “book for Dimwits (Dummies)” or is there one that you’d like to see published that would be useful for yourself (or others in your opinion!)?




1.  Why did the author set the story a few years in the future?


2.  Why did Hill create two imaginary countries as the setting for this story?


3.  After Keita’s mother died, why didn’t his father take the rest of the family and leave Zantoroland?


4.  What does running represent to Keita? To the children of Zantoroland? To Freedom State? How does this compare with the understanding of running that the children of AfricTown possess?


5. On page 71 Viola thinks “it was fair to accuse somebody of doing something illegal but not to say that they were illegal”.  Why do other types of illegal activity not lead to a person being labeled as “an illegal”?


6.  Keita is the main character in this story, what do the other storylines add to this narrative?


7.  What was John Falconer trying to show with his documentary?  How did he get away without any apparent supervision over this project?


8.  Why did Ivernia take in Keita?


9.  Lula a hero or a criminal?


10.  Most of the characters in this novel, at least bent, if not broke, the law.  When is law breaking justified (if ever)?


11.  Did any character(s) in The Illegal inspired you? Why?


12.  What did you think of the injection of Canadianisms into the story?


13. In one Goodreads review the writer says,  I sense an uncomfortable subtext to the way that Keita is treated: in essence, he’s a Model Minority. Be talented and polite like Keita, the story seems to say, and the ugly realities of life as a refugee will cease to apply. If you’re living a substandard life as a refugee, well, it’s just because you don’t have enough innate dignity to make the right kind of people want to help you.”

 What do you think of this opinion?  Is it true? Does it apply to the way our country treats refugees?


14. Do you think this story will inspire people to take a look at the refugee crisis going on around the world?


15:  Quick round: What did you think of the book? Is there anything you want to discuss that we missed? Also, do you have a question for Lawrence Hill? (the leaders reserve the right to edit these questions before sending them out). Sue will transcribe them.


Question for Lawrence Hill:


Why did you give Viola your own last name?  Does she represent you in anyway in the story?

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