Monday, August 27, 2018

Saint Maybe, Anne Tyler

Saint Maybe, by Anne Tyler
(Tansley Reads Rating: 68%)
Icebreaker:  Have you ever just walked into an unfamiliar or unknown place of worship for a service? How did that go?

St. Maybe Discussion Questions


  1. (p. 8) “They believed that every part of their lives was absolutely wonderful … Bee treated [problems] with eye rolling good humour … How Claudia Totalled the Car, How Ian Got Suspended From First Grade.” – Ian sometimes suspects things are not as good as his mother wants to see i.e. father a joke at the High School, Danny not a success, sister left school to get married and have kids  “Then Ian readjusted” – pg. 9.  Why does Ian have to change his view of life?  Is it a matter of how we view ourselves vs how others view us?  Is Bee deluded or just a positive thinker?
  2. Why does Ian want to find something wrong with Lucy? Why was Danny so vulnerable to Ian’s words?

a)     What was Lucy’s secret life? Was she “just” shoplifting, or were there other men in her life?

b)     Should Ian have told Danny his suspicions of Lucy? Sooner? Never?

  1. What does the Church of the Second Chance mean to Ian? (see p 211)
  2. Was Rev. Emmett right in his advice to Ian to give up his plans for life and raise the kids?

a)     Was this a call from God for Ian to live the life he was meant to live?

b)     Pg. 190 Ian has a vision of leaving the three children in a ditch by a road but then feels a deep sense of loss.  Do you think Ian would or should have given the children away if he could have found someone to take them?

c)      Did he come to regret his choice or in the long run is he glad of it?

  1. Why doesn’t Ian feel forgiven?

a)     P 225 he questions Rev. Emmett about when he’ll be forgiven and is told he has it wrong; he must forgive Danny and Lucy. Does he manage that? (see pp 321 & 337, visions of them).

  1. Were the Bedloes supportive enough of Lucy & her family after Danny’s death? Why?
  2. Much of the books seems to have to do with clearing away various kinds of clutter – spiritual and emotional as well as physical; even memories – so that what is useful and important is at hand. What are some of the bits and pieces that Ian and his family need to be free of?

a)     After Bee dies, the house falls apart, even though it had seemed that she didn’t contribute a lot to its maintenance over the last several years of her life. Finally, a Clutter Counselor is hired. Would you ever hire a Clutter Counselor? Want to be one?

  1. Do you think Doug is useless with a purpose? Why does he like going to “the foreigners’” house?
  2. Why is Rev. Emmett so fascinating to people?
  3. P 177 –“… What I hate about churches…They think they know the answers…It’s the people who don’t know the answers who are going to heaven, I tell you.” What are the questions? Who has the answers? If not the church then who does?
  4. What do you think the title of the book “Saint Maybe” means? “King Careful, Mr. Look-Both-Ways, Saint Maybe” – pg. 264
  5.  Is there anything in this book to which you personally can relate? Is there any advice or ideas you can take and apply to your own life?

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