Secret of
the Blue Trunk
By Lise
(Tansley Reads Rating: 66%)
If you have ever had to be
the one responsible for cleaning and emptying someone’s home after their death,
have you found something that surprised you? OR After you are gone will someone
find something unusual among your possessions?
1. In the beginning, Lise describes her life
with her mother. Do you think Armande was a good mother?
2. Lise finds a letter written to her by her
mother in the bottom of the blue trunk, saying that Armande wants Lise to know
her secret. Why do you think Armande
could never tell her husband or daughter about her past?
3. Was Armand’s faith and dedication
to the religious order real, or, did she follow that path as it was the only
life she knew? Why do you think that, after living a cloistered life for so
many years, once in the concentration camp, she doesn’t mention praying very
often or even anything about her faith?
Why do you think the nuns didn’t send
the Canadian novices home when the rumours of world conflict began to penetrate
the convent’s walls?
5. Armande’s group of four all survived largely
because they were able to get extra food and stay out of the death lottery,
but, this was at the expense of the other prisoners. Do you think they had any other choices?
6. What do you think attracts Armande and Franz
to one another? How much of this do you
think might have been in Armande’s imagination?
7. What aspect(s) of Armande’s wartime
experiences surprised you?
8. Why, when the church turned it’s back on
Armande, did she keep her nun’s habit until she had received the letter from
Rome? Why did she keep her other religious articles when she states she never
again went to church except for weddings and funerals?
9. Although Armande had only one visit from her
father 6 years after being placed with the nuns, and not having had any contact
with her family since she left the Quebec convent, why does she never mention
feeling abandoned by her family? Once rescued,
she had the Red Cross locate her brother in Quebec, why do you think she
reached out to him?
10. Why do you think Lise
choose to reveal her mother’s secrets so publically?
11. Did the fact that the book was written
simply add to, or detract from, your enjoyment of the book?
12. Quick round: What did you
think of the book? Is there anything you want to discuss that we missed?
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